Project Type

branding, Packaging & Campaign

Tools Used

Adobe Suites






Clarity is a menopause awareness brand that helps women understand what is happening to their bodies while offering support and guidance. The primary goal is to ensure that women do not miss out on essential information, treatment, and education about menopause, as 45 percent of women are unaware they are experiencing menopause-related symptoms. Menopause has always been a life-changing process that we are only vaguely informed about, often through family members or other limited resources. Women have been suffering in silence for far too long, and this is where Clarity steps in to make a difference.

01 Design Challenge

02 Design Process

03 Design Solution

Reimagine women’s health, with a specific focus on menopause, to underscore the critical importance of women understanding the changes their bodies undergo during this life-altering process. Your task is to develop a brand that addresses the widespread lack of awareness surrounding menopause, tackles the issues and social stigmas associated with it, and is firmly rooted in credible, research-driven insights. The brand should demonstrate innovative thinking to educate people of all ages and backgrounds. Additionally, create a distinctive and unexpected approach that places menopause within a fresh and relevant context, breaking away from traditional narratives.

1.Research and Analysis:

I began my research by watching interviews with doctors and TV talk shows where professionals discussed the topic of menopause. These experts acknowledged that many women are not well-informed about menopause, emphasizing that it involves far more than just physical symptoms. The emotional toll can be extraordinary and overwhelming, with experiences ranging from feeling fine one moment to having a breakdown over something trivial, like a packet of ham, the next. There is a significant lack of promotion regarding women’s health, particularly menopause. Often, the information is limited to vague, text-heavy flyers in doctors’ offices that are difficult to understand.


There have been very few campaigns and advertisements addressing menopause, and those that do exist tend to use subtle messaging and imagery that fail to fully inform the audience. The information provided is often insufficient and lacks impact.


While there are some brands focused on female health, such as Key for Her and the newly launched menopause kit by Flourish, these brands have not gained enough visibility. I discovered them through my research, but when I mentioned them to the women in my life, none had heard of them. This highlights a significant gap in the market for a brand to step forward with a more effective solution.


The surveys I conducted not only validated my concept but also underscored the importance of properly educating women about menopause. They highlighted the ethical responsibility of helping women understand that the menopause journey is unique for everyone. The surveys revealed that most women knew very little about menopause, possessing only minimal knowledge on the subject.

Clarity is a menopause awareness brand designed to empower women by providing clear, accessible, and comprehensive support throughout their menopause journey. Recognising that 45 percent of women are unaware they are experiencing menopause symptoms, Clarity aims to bridge this knowledge gap by offering essential information, treatment options, and educational resources. By challenging the stigma and silence surrounding menopause, Clarity repositions it within a fresh, relevant context, making it a subject of open discussion and empowering women to take control of their health with confidence and clarity.

Key Offerings:

Menopause Testing Kit: Clarity’s testing kit includes a menopause test and a 44-page booklet that is clear, vibrant, and informative. The booklet covers all aspects of menopause, featuring inspirational quotes, advice, and tracker sheets to help women manage their symptoms effectively.

Clarity Menopause App: This app empowers women during perimenopause and menopause by helping them build positive lifestyle habits. It offers expert support, self-guided programmes, community connections, and personalised health tracking.

Clarity Social Media Presence: The Clarity Instagram page provides easy access to key information, inspirational quotes, and advice. Story highlights offer quick references for women on the go, ensuring they have support whenever they need it.

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