Project Type

branding & social media

Tools Used

Adobe Suites






“The Dayly Dose Podcast” is hosted by former Hometown star Dayl Cronin, where he shares insights, stories, and interviews with a wide range of guests. The podcast covers various topics, offering listeners a mix of entertainment, inspiration, and thought-provoking discussions. With a growing audience, Dayl sought to establish a strong brand identity for his podcast and create engaging social media content to promote each weekly episode effectively.

01 Design Challenge

02 Design Process

03 Design Solution

The challenge was to create a cohesive brand identity for “The Dayly Dose Podcast” that reflects Dayl Cronin’s personality and the podcast’s diverse content. This included designing a logo that embodies the podcast’s essence, along with creating social media assets to promote weekly episodes. The deliverables also needed to include “coming soon” stills, audio-designed videos for social media, and video content tailored for YouTube, all aimed at boosting audience engagement and expanding the podcast’s reach.

1.Understanding and Research: I began by gaining a deep understanding of Dayl Cronin’s vision for “The Dayly Dose Podcast” and its target audience. This was followed by thorough research into podcast branding trends and social media strategies, analysing successful examples to gather insights that would inform the design approach.

2.Concept Development and Design: With research insights in hand, I brainstormed and developed various logo concepts and visual elements that reflected the podcast’s personality. After refining the chosen logo, I created a set of flexible social media templates, including “coming soon” stills and audio-designed videos, along with dynamic video content for YouTube, all designed to maintain consistent branding across platforms.

3.Testing, Launch, and Monitoring: The designs were tested with a select audience to gather feedback, leading to final adjustments before the public launch. Post-launch, I closely monitored engagement metrics to assess the performance of the content, allowing for iterative improvements to ensure the podcast’s branding and social media presence continued to resonate with its audience.

The final design solution for “The Dayly Dose Podcast” established a strong and recognisable brand identity that reflects Dayl Cronin’s personality and the podcast’s broad appeal. The logo is sleek and modern, capturing the essence of the podcast while being versatile for use across various platforms. Social media assets, including eye-catching “coming soon” stills and engaging audio-designed videos, were created to promote each weekly episode effectively. The video content for YouTube was designed with dynamic visuals and animations, ensuring it stands out in a crowded digital space. This cohesive branding and content strategy successfully increased audience engagement, helping “The Dayly Dose Podcast” connect more deeply with its listeners and expand its reach.

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